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Basic Optical Principles

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On How to Get the Most out of this Course

Course Introduction
In this session we will be covering some of the basic principles of optics. At least some understanding of the subject is essential in order to achieve a level of competency in our field. The material to follow is not a comprehensive study, but rather a survey of those principles which are most relevant to our field. With any of the subjects covered in this course, it is hoped that your interest will be stimulated to inspire further study on your own as your career progresses.

The first item covered in this course will be the metric system of measurement which is used every day in optics, followed by a review of certain basic mathematical principles.The ability to add algebraically is vital in performing even routine tasks in optics such as reading the power a lens in a lensometer or transposing a prescription.If you are already familiar with the metric system and are good in math the first two sections of this course will go by quickly. If you're concerned about math, don't be. If you can add, subtract, multiply, and divide you'll do fine.

Next we will be covering the electromagnetic spectrum, the nature and propagation of visible light, and index of refraction. These areas should "shed some light" on questions you may have had regarding terms like "UV 400," and "High Index Lenses." Finally, we'll study prism, prism diopter, the perception of lenses as prisms, and Prentice's Rule. If the idea of prism in ophthalmic lenses has been a mystery until now, well, that mystery is about to be solved! As you will see, understanding the concept of prism is not only quite simple, but crucial if we are to function confidently and capably as opticians.

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